Monday, May 4, 2020


My 4th grader would love to start band next fall--how is that going to happen?

Dear 4th graders and parents, I'm so glad you asked!

On a 'normal' year, during the month of May, we would spend quite a bit of time in 4th grade music exploring this question. We would:
1. review and reflect on our recorder learning experience,
2. ask Mr. S all kinds of questions about band,
3. watch as he takes the instruments out and demonstrates the instruments available to us,
4. be given a letter to take home so we can talk with our parents, and
5. schedule Meyer Music to come in with some brand new instruments to try!

All of this would happen BEFORE we would ask parents to return a letter of intention to begin band in the fall so Mr. S can begin to shape and schedule his classes.  Of course, this is not a NORMAL year at all, and so things will be quite different for beginning band, too. There are many things I don't know about the fall yet, but I can share some thoughts to get you started...

1. I'm planning on doing all of the signing up, trying of instruments, etc. in the fall, as soon after the school year begins as possible. The start of band classes will be delayed slightly.
2. I'll be posting information here on the ZCS music blog site over the month of May, including some demo videos of the various instruments.
3. We'll bring Meyer Music into school in the fall as well.
4. NO DECISIONS HAVE TO BE MADE NOW!  There is enough to think about with everything else going on right now.

Always available for questions!
Kevin Schonewill
ZCS Bands