"I'm a child of God, yes, I am!" Now you can play that song on your recorder. See the score below. Notice the chorus and bridge are all built around 5 tones: low E, G, A, B, and C. You can do this!

And here's a video of me playing the song:
Main Theme
Theme Again!
Solo Variations
A Fugue!
Played by the entire orchestra
Played by each family: woodwinds, brass, strings, percussion
Each instrument has its' own ‘special time’ while the other instruments play in the background.
A musical ‘dog pile’ as one by one the instruments begin playing very actively over top of each other.
Lasts less than a minute
Ends with one more statement by full orchestra
The longest section of the piece—it takes a while to hear every one!
They come back in the same order you first heard them!